Here is my work station. It was my husband's computer room but since he is currently using a laptop that enable him to move i hijacked this room...heheh.. (saja show off one of the dresses I made for my little girl kat dinding tu..)
Ni mesin jahit kesayangan... Bab-bab mesin jahit ni, SINGER still mendahului preference chart..Nasib baik ada kedai SINGER kat Bangi, tak payah pegi jauh-jauh. Price? More than 1k but it's really worth the money. It has 80 styles of stiches. Nak jahit butang pun tak yah susah2 jahit tangan..the machine does it all for you. Yang paling best it's automatic so tak payah susah-susah tukar plate manually kalau nak jahit different style of stiches..just select the number and you are ready to go...
Ni pulak kain-kain yang menunggu turn nak kena gunting...Dalam kotak tu pun ada lagi.. Since saya baru cuba-cuba menjahit so banyak kain cotton je (kain licin belum berani)..hehe.. Ramai member yang tanya kalau saya bolehg jahit untuk dorang... Sorry guys, belum berani jahit baju orang lain coz baru sendiri pun baru jahit sekali..this one..
Lepas dah try few times untuk baju sendiri, rasanya baru berani nak jahit baju orang lain..
That's all for now!
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